When you get comfortable, you get lazy
Introducing Inktober by User Experience 2023
“If you stay in a comfort zone too long, it can make you complacent. If you don’t perform activities that somewhat scare or challenge you, you miss out on growth opportunities.”
Have you ever been smacked in the face by something you’re trying to avoid?
In an effort to determine if I was making a huge mistake, I looked to the internet for support of this creeping suspicion that if I tried this, I would regret it.
It didn’t work.
“What are the risks associated with writing about topics outside of your comfort zone?” I asked.
Everything that followed was a combination of one-liners encouraging “out of the comfort zone” activities, and straight-up step by step guides for doing the same.
I was so sure that I would find the answer that I wanted online. Things like, “People won’t take you seriously, you’ll come off as fake or not genuine, you’ll make a mistake, yes Mel, we’re talking to you, if you do this you will regret it.” And instead, I found myself encouraged. What the hell?
Consider this your warning. I intend to spend the next 31 days writing about user experience as part of my annual Inktober by User Experience (IXUX) challenge. But this year I will not pull from past projects or any verticals that I’ve worked in previously. The goal is to challenge myself to consider new audiences and use cases and fingers crossed hopefully show that the insights and value of a user experience approach to design has universal application.
Here’s what you’ll get
- A daily article that is brief but informative about user experience, with a focus on a single site/app, inspired by the word of the day.
- A daily work of art, strike that, a daily ink drawing that will attempt to relay the ideas being presented in a fun and memorable way.
- A lot of jokes and puns that are only somewhat related.
So here we go! Starting October 1, 2023 the links for each daily prompt listed below will be updated as the story is released.
Inktober by User Experience 2023
Day 6 — Golden
Day 8 — Toad
Day 9 — Bounce
Day 10 — Fortune
Day 11 — Wander
Day 12 — Spicy
Day 13 — Rise
Day 14 — Castle
Day 15 — Dagger
Day 16 — Angel
Day 17 — Demon
Day 18 — Saddle
Day 19 — Plump
Day 20 — Frost
Day 21 — Chains
Day 22 — Scratchy
Day 23 — Celestial
Day 24 — Shallow
Day 25 — Dangerous
Day 26 — Remove
Day 27 — Beast
Day 28 — Sparkle
Day 29 — Massive
Day 30 — Rush
Day 31 — Fire